Advocacy Practices
“For more than a decade, we have fought to protect Bristol Bay from the proposed Pebble mine. As wild salmon populations decline globally, Bristol Bay's prolific wild salmon runs and the economies they support make it a place of international importance. For years, the region faced a massive threat from the proposed Pebble mine, as well as hard rock mining on adjacent state and federal land. Thankfully, this threat is at bay - for now. In order to stay thriving, the region must have durable protections from Pebble and other large-scale mining projects.”
Save Bristol Bay
“The International League of Conservation Photographers is a U.S. based non-profit organization whose mission is to support environmental and cultural conservation through ethical photography and filmmaking. Founded in 2005, our programs are built on the participation and contributions of our fellows, an incredible group of international wildlife, nature, and culture photographers who, in addition to displaying remarkable photographic skills, have each demonstrated a deep commitment to conservation efforts around the globe”
Founded in 1980, the Alaska Conservation Foundation is the only public foundation solely dedicated to conservation in Alaska, connecting thousands of committed donors and businesses worldwide with more than a hundred grassroots conservation organizations in Alaska.